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[leehare.cn]Foxit Reader v2.3 Build 2825(New Patch!

  • TA的每日心情

    2020-7-30 14:47
  • stonejang 发表于 2008-4-28 21:38:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Foxit Reader v2.3 Build 2825(New Patch!)

    Foxit Reader原名Foxit PDF Reader,是一款免费的PDF文档阅读器和打印器,具有令人难以置信的小巧体积、快捷的启动速度和丰富的功能。支持Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista操作系统,其核心技术与PDF标准版1.7完全兼容。

    在没有Foxit Reader以前,为了能够打开显示PDF文档,您可能需要从别家公司下载一个庞大的PDF阅读器,等待漫长的安装过程,忍受恼人的启动画面。如果您想进一步对PDF文档进行批注,您还得支付至少299美元购买其它软件才能获得批注功能。

    现在有了Foxit Reader,您不必再忍受这些烦恼了。因为Foxit Reader带来了非常突出的优势,功能简单实用方便,极大地提升了用户体验。它的这些特点突出表现在:

        * 难以置信的小巧体积:下载包容量仅2.1兆,只占Acrobat Reader 20兆容量的一小部分。
        * 快捷的启动速度:瞬间就可启动Foxit Reader 2.1,完全没有那些恼人的公司LOGO和作者名称的启动画面。
        * 批注工具:当您阅读PDF文档,是否曾想过对文档进行批注呢?有了Foxit Reader,您完全可以在文档上画图、高亮文本、输入文字,并且对批注的文档进行打印或保存。
        * 文本转换器:将整份PDF文档转换为文本文件。
        * 高度安全性和隐私性:Foxit Reader 高度尊重用户的安全性和隐私性,没有用户的许可不会主动访问互联网。而别的Reader却会在用户不知晓的情况下,主动从后台连接到互联网。Foxit Reader完全不带有任何的间谍软件。

    Foxit Reader is the only eligible alternative reader/viewer for PDF files (eBooks). It's free, smaller, faster, and cleaner. And it starts up immediately, so you don't need to wait the annoying "Welcome" screen to disappear. Foxit PDF Reader is extremely easy to use, just double click it to start and then click open button to open your PDF document. If you want to print, click on "rint" button. If you want to setup the page layout for printing, select "rint Setup" from "File" menu. Foxit Reader supports Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista

    Unlike Adobe® Reader, this one has size about than 2.5 MB, needs no installation and opens up immediately. You don't need to go throught lengthy installation process to start using Foxit PDF Reader, just UNZIP the downloaded "pdfrd.zip" package into any place you want, then run PDFReader.exe. You can set Foxit PDF Reader as your default PDF reader, so you can double click on PDF files to open them within Foxit PDF Reader.

    Now with Foxit Reader, you don't have to endure such pain any more. The following is a list of compelling advantages of Foxit Reader:
    * Incredibly small: The download size of Foxit Reader is only 2.5 MB which is a fraction of Acrobat Reader 20 MB size.
    * Breezing-fast: When you run Foxit Reader, it launches instantly without any delay. You are not forced to view an annoying splash window displaying company logo, author names, etc.
    * Annotation tool: Have you ever wished to annotate (or comment on) a PDF document when you are reading it? Foxit Reader allows you to draw graphics, highlight text, type text and make notes on a PDF document and then print out or save the annotated document.
    * Text converter: You may convert the whole PDF document into a simple text file.
    * High security and privacy: Foxit Reader highly respects the security and privacy of users and will never connect to the Internet without users' permission. While other PDF readers often silently connect to the Internet in the background. Foxit PDF Reader does not contain any spyware.

    What's new in Version 2.3:
    New features:
    * Bookmark Design: Makes it possible to have your own bookmarks. Users can create, edit, or delete bookmarks in a PDF file if the security settings allow.
    * Multi-tab Browsing: Enables users to open multiple files in a single instance.You can choose to view PDFs in a multi-tab window or multiple instances by setting documents layout from the Preferences dialog.
    * Multimedia Player Support: Supports many media formats including audio and video. Read multimedia ebooks with Foxit Reader 2.3.
    * Callout and Text box Tool: Creates comments in a callout text box or a box. You can also define their appearance as other commenting tools.
    * Commenting Text Tool: Enables users to add most types of text edits by right-clicking on the selected text, including highlight, strikeout, underline, squiggly and replacement. You can also use the Commenting Text Tool to add bookmarks for PDF files.
    * Rulers and Guides: Provides horizontal and vertical ruler guides to help users align and position objects on the page. Right-clicking on the ruler enables you to change the unit of measurement.
    * Magnifier: Magnifies areas of the PDF files easily as you work on Foxit Reader.
    * Automatic Scrolling: Allows users to view documents without using mouse actions or keystrokes.
    * OCG Support: Enables the user to view related content stored in a variable number of separate layers.
    * FDF Related: Opens FDF files directly with Foxit Reader without any import implementations.

    Enhanced features:
    * Optimized Rendering:Supports progressive rendering and significantly reduces the response time from the user interface events.
    * Improved Link Tools:Allows users to add actions to links, such as go to a page view, open or execute a file, open a web link, etc.
    * Improved Snapshot:Enables users to print the selected area in Foxit Reader by simply selecting the Print option from the context menu.
    * Search Enhancement:Allows users to float, move and resize the Full Foxit Search box.
    * Better Annotation control:Groups drawing markups to help users operate objects collectively, and allows users to move annotations through pages.
    * Font Informationists the fonts and the font types used in the original document in the Properties dialog.
    * Updated Command Line:Allows users to open password protected PDF documents with a simple command prompt.
    * Streamlined UI:A completely redesigned UI with a new look and feel makes Foxit Reader more intuitive than ever before.
    * Many bug fixes.


    http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php 英文
    http://www.fuxinsoftware.com.cn/pdf/rd_intro.php 中文
    ~Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista~

    v2.3 Build 2825 英文版 官方下载:

    v2.2 Build 2405 简体中文版 官方下载:
    v2.2 Build 2405 简体中文单文件特别版:("simon1103"制作~)
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