既然你看了2014 ADA guideline
1. new guideline对A1C的goal 有变化吗?特别是老年人糖尿病患者,A1C 应该控制在哪个范围?
2. 2013 AHA cholesterol guideline 对糖尿病人血脂控制是这么说的:不管是一型还是二型,use the new pooled equation to estimate the 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease. if the risk is >7.5%, use high-intensity statin, if <7.5%, use moderate-intensity statin. 整个废除掉LDL and non-HDL goals。请问你到底该怎么控制糖尿病患者的血脂呢?
3. 为什么new guideline 推荐dual antiplatelet therapy? 你知道什么原因吗?因为new studies showed that new antiplatele agents like prasugrel and ticagrelor are superior than clopidogrel for post MI pts due to reduced mortality and hospitalization rate. 所以不会用旧的guideline推荐的aspirin and clopidogrel了!
这样的问题,多学习下再下总结,自己不懂还说得像new guideline在乱说一样,是你太out啦! |