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Viagra: still going strong 10 years on
by Karin Zeitvogel
Sun Mar 23, 1:34 PM ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) -Ten years ago this month the lives of millions of men and women were changed almost overnight by the advent of a little blue pill -- the first oral treatment for impotence.
Viagra, developed by accident by scientists at Pfizer Laboratories, was first approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration on March 27, 1998.
"Originally, we were testing sildenafil, the active drug in Viagra, as a cardiovascular drug and for its ability to lower blood pressure," said Dr Brian Klee, senior medical director at Pfizer.
“最初,我们是将西地那非(伟哥的活性成分)作为心血管药物用来考察其降低血压的作用。”辉瑞高级医学主管Brian Klee说道。
"But one thing that was found during those trials is that people didn't want to give the medication back because of the side effect of having erections that were harder, firmer and lasted longer."
Since Viagra went on the market it has been used by 35 million men around the globe, and it took impotence off the taboo list, making it infinitely easier to treat.
Urologists' waiting rooms became busier as news got round that the condition, which was rechristened with a new, scientific name -- erectile dysfunction, or ED -- could be treated with a triangular blue pill.
Previous treatments had involved surgically inserting a prosthesis into the penis, injecting a substance into the male sex organ or using urethral suppositories.
"Viagra brought a lot more people into the office because of the ease of treatment," Dr Irwin Shuman, a urologist of 40 years' experience in Washington, told AFP.
“由于伟哥治疗简单,所以许多人前来就诊。”在华盛顿从医40年的泌尿科医生Irwin Shuman告诉AFP记者。
"In the old days, when we didn't have much in the way of treatment, we would do a lot more evaluation, looking for answers as to why somebody had the problem," he said.
In one test, men would be observed while sleeping to see if erections occurred.
Men who failed to get the usual five to six erections per night were deemed to have a physical problem, and those who did get nocturnal erections were said to have a psychological problem and were sent to see a sex counsellor.
So Viagra helped move impotence out of the psychological realm and into the world of physical illnesses. "What we have come to understand in the past 10 years is that ED is a vascular disease," said Klee.
"What happens is veins and arteries that deliver and remove blood from the penis are not working the way they should, and Viagra allows those vessels to dilate and increase blood flow to the penis," he said.
Dr Abraham Morgentaler, director of Men's Health Boston, and associate clinical professor of urology at Harvard Medical School, hailed Viagra as a "benefit to medicine."
波士顿男性健康中心主任、哈佛大学医学院泌尿学临床副教授Abraham Morgentaler承认伟哥是“医学的恩惠”。
But, he added, the drug has not delighted all those who took it.
"There are two truths to Viagra: for those who refill (get a new prescription), it's wonderful and they're happy," Morgentaler told AFP.
"But a lot of people look to Viagra for personal happiness, thinking a hard penis can resolve relationship issues," and they end up disappointed, added the doctor and author of the book "The Viagra Myth."
Some patients say taking Viagra "does not correspond to the way they want to have sex," Morgentaler said.
Viagra works best on an empty stomach or after eating a low-fat meal, the medication's official website says. It kicks in about 30 minutes after being taken, works for four hours, and only with sexual arousal, the website says.
But it's not the answer for everyone. Morgentaler said he had a 78-year-old patient in his office who "didn't like the idea of programming sex. Guys, and often women, too, don't necessarily want to compromise the ideal of sex as something magical, spontaneous, romantic."
但并非每个人都如此。 Morgentaler 称,他的一位78岁的患者“不喜欢设计性生活的想法。男性以及女性也往往不必向认为性爱就是神秘的、本能的、浪漫的想法妥协。”
Morgentaler also spoke of the darker side of Viagra, which has evolved since it and two other ED treatments became easily available over the Internet.
"It's the use of Viagra by healthy young men who don't need it," he said.
"These young men take a pill whenever they go out ... Maybe because they are inexperienced or shy and Viagra makes them more confident, or maybe because they have inflated ideas about what sex is supposed to be like from seeing Internet porn, which they also have easy access to, and they want to heighten their feelings of masculinity," he said.
"I am concerned -- not that these young men will get addicted physically, but that they will become psychologically dependent on Viagra," said Morgentaler.
"Sex is an entree into a relationship, and most often what we want from a relationship is to be loved for what we are.
"But some of these young men feel they have to take a pill to be acceptable, and I fear they are potentially missing the opportunity to have true emotional connections with a partner, based on reality, not mythology."
美国FDA于1998年3月27日首次批准伟哥上市,而这一药物是由辉瑞实验室的科学家偶然发现的。最初,他们将西地那非(伟哥的活性成分)作为心血管药物用来考察其降低血压的作用。 但在试验过程中他们发现,人们不愿意把受试药物交回来,这是因为该药物的副作用可使阴茎勃起坚挺且持续时间更长。
在华盛顿从医40年的泌尿科医生Irwin Shuman告诉AFP记者说,由于伟哥治疗简单,所以许多人前来就诊。过去,由于缺乏治疗手段,我们将进行较多的评价测试,以寻找病因。其中一种测试方法是观察男性睡眠时是否出现勃起。如果男性夜间勃起不能达到通常的5-6次,则视为器质性疾病;而夜间不能勃起者则认为是心理问题,应咨询性生活顾问。伟哥可将阳痿从心理问题范畴转移到器质性疾病领域。过去十年已经知道ED是一种血管性疾病。原因是负责输送阴茎血液的静脉和动脉不能正常工作,伟哥可使这些血管扩张,增加阴茎血流。
波士顿男性健康中心主任、哈佛大学医学院泌尿学临床副教授、《伟哥神话》一书的作者Abraham Morgentaler承认伟哥是“医学的恩惠”。但他补充说,该药物并非给所有服用者带来快乐。Morgentaler对记者说,关于伟哥有两个真相:对于那些服用药物更换为伟哥的男性,伟哥作用神奇,他们幸福快乐;但是,对于那些指望伟哥能带来个人快乐、认为坚挺的阳具可以解决男女关系问题的男性来说,最终只能是失望。
有些服用伟哥的患者称并不能满足他们所想要的性生活方式的要求。该药物网页称,在空腹或食用低脂饮食后服用伟哥,作用最佳。服用后约30分钟起效,作用持续4小时,并且只有在性刺激下才能起效。但并非每个人都如此。 Morgentaler 称,一位前来就诊的78岁的患者就不喜欢设计性生活的想法。男性以及女性也往往不必向认为性爱就是神秘的、本能的、浪漫的想法妥协。Morgentaler还提到,自从从互联网上可购得伟哥和其它两种ED药物以来,伟哥的阴暗面已表现出来。一些不需要伟哥的健康年轻男性也在服用伟哥,这些年轻男性外出时服用伟哥,或许是因为他们缺乏经验或害羞,而伟哥可使他们更加自信,或许是因为他们对性爱有着夸张的想法,认为性爱就应像色情网络中所表现的那样,他们也可以很容易做到,他们应该提升他们阳刚感觉。Morgentaler 称,他所担心不是这些年轻人将来会产生身体方面的成瘾,而是他们心理上对伟哥的依赖。Morgentaler认为,性爱是提升男女关系的必经之路,大多数情况下我们想从对方得到的是彼此之间的爱恋。但是这些年轻人中的一些人认为,他们只有服药后才能心满意足。我担心他们有可能错失了与伴侣基本的感情交流机会,而这种交流是基于现实的,而非神话世界。 |