TA的每日心情 | 2021-3-16 11:52 |
Statins May Reduce Risk of Kidney Cancer
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Feb 26 - Treatment with statins appears to reduce the risk of renal cell carcinoma, according to the results of a case-control study of nearly 500,000 veterans.
路透社2008年2月26日纽约讯——根据对500,000 退伍军人的病例对照研究,他汀类可以减少患肾细胞癌的风险。
Evidence from animal models and in vitro experiments suggests that HMG-coA reductase inhibitors are capable of suppressing tumor growth. Moreover, prior research has indicated a protective benefit against bladder cancer and prostate cancer with statin therapy.
Given this apparent activity against these genitourinary malignancies, Dr. Murali Ankem, from the Overton Brooks VA Medical Center in Shreveport, Louisiana, and colleagues examined whether statins might protect against renal cell carcinoma. The researchers report their findings in the January issue of Urology.
鉴于他汀类药物对泌尿生殖系恶性肿瘤的显著作用,来自Overton Brooks VA Medical Center in Shreveport, Louisiana的Murali Ankem博士和同事研究了他汀类药物能否预防肾癌,该研究结果发表在《Urology》杂志一月刊上。
In the VA database, 34% of subjects were statin users and 0.3% of subjects had a primary diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma, the report indicates.
报告显示,在VA数据库中,有34% 受试者服用他汀类药物,其中0.3% 受试者初步诊断为肾细胞癌。
Treatment with a statin was associated with a 48% reduced risk of renal cell carcinoma. Moreover, this reduced risk was still apparent after adjusting for age, sex, smoking, and obesity.
服用他汀类药物可使患肾细胞癌风险下降48% ,把年龄,性别,吸烟,肥胖等考虑进去风险的降低仍然很明显。
Randomized controlled trials are now needed to verify these findings and to determine whether statins will have any role in the prevention and treatment of renal cell carcinoma, the authors conclude.
Urology 2008;71:118-122.(泌尿外科2008 ; 71:118-122 )
路透社2008年2月26日纽约讯——根据对500,000 退伍军人的病例对照研究,他汀类可以减少患肾细胞癌的风险。
鉴于他汀类药物对泌尿生殖系恶性肿瘤的显著作用,来自Overton Brooks VA Medical Center in Shreveport, Louisiana的Murali Ankem博士和同事研究了他汀类药物能否预防肾癌,该研究结果发表在《Urology》杂志一月刊上。
报告显示,在VA数据库中,有34% 受试者服用他汀类药物,其中0.3% 受试者初步诊断为肾细胞癌。
服用他汀类药物可使患肾细胞癌风险下降48% ,把年龄,性别,吸烟,肥胖等考虑进去风险的降低仍然很明显。
泌尿外科2008 ; 71:118-122 |