TA的每日心情 | 2025-2-8 09:55 |
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do Statins Make You Stupid?
Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs have had a rough time of it lately.
There was the headline-making trial of the statin-combination drug Vytorin, which rattled conventional wisdom about the value of lowering cholesterol. Business Week weighed in with a report that asked: “Do Cholesterol Drugs Do Any Good?” And my Well column in Science Times last month pointed out that there’s no data to show that statins prolong the lives of many people who use them.
Now, The Wall Street Journal has joined the fray. Health Journal columnist Melinda Beck revisited questions about whether statin drugs have cognitive side effects that leave users, particularly women, with muddled thinking and forgetfulness. “This drug makes women stupid,” Dr. Orli Etingin, vice chairman of medicine at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, declared at a recent luncheon, according to the Journal.
现在,《华尔街日报》也已参与了争论,日报健康专栏作家Melinda Beck重温了关于他汀类药物是否对使用者具有认知方面的影响如思维错乱和健忘,特别是女性的问题。“该药物使女性变笨了,”纽约长老会医院内科副主席Orli Etingin博士近期在参与一次日报方主办的午宴上正式宣告。
Over the years, there’s been a lot of discussion about whether statins affect thinking and memory, but drug makers point out that hundreds of studies haven’t shown a causal link between statins and memory problems. However, anecdotal reports continue to suggest that some patients do develop memory loss while taking the drugs.
After I wrote about the issue several years ago, a colleague who had once memorized poetry as a hobby told me he was unable to remember poems once he started taking statins. Dr. Beatrice A. Golomb, assistant professor at the University of California at San Diego, has collected thousands of stories from patients about statin side effects. She has said common complaints from patients taking statins include being unable to remember the name of a grandchild, walking into a room and forgetting why you are there, or starting a sentence and being unable to finish. Some complain of personality changes or irritability.
自从服用他汀药后他就不能够记住诗歌了。圣地亚哥城加利福尼亚大学助理教授Beatrice A. Golomb博士已经搜集关于他汀药(对智力不良)影响数千例患者事例。她说,服用他汀药物患者普遍的主诉包括不能记住孙子的名字,进入房间后忘了为什么会在那,或者开口后忘了要说什么。有些则抱怨性格变化或易怒。
The Wall Street Journal highlights one interesting example:
A San Diego woman, Jane Brunzie, was so forgetful that her daughter was investigating Alzheimer’s care for her and refused to let her babysit for her 9-year-old granddaughter. Then the mother stopped taking a statin. “Literally, within eight days, I was back to normal — it was that dramatic,” says Mrs. Brunzie, 69 years old.
一个圣地亚哥妇女,Jane Brunzie,她是如此地健忘以致于她女儿把她当Alzheimer患者照顾,并且拒绝让她照顾她的9岁孙女。当她停用他汀药物后,“千真万确,八天内,我恢复了正常-如此戏剧性”,69岁的Brunzie太太说。
Doctors put her on different statins three more times. “They’d say, ‘Here, try these samples.’ Doctors don’t want to give up on it,” she says. “Within a few days of starting another one, I’d start losing my words again,” says Mrs. Brunzie, who has gone back to volunteering at the local elementary school she loves and is trying to bring her cholesterol down with dietary changes instead.
““I feel very blessed — I got about 99% of my memory back,” she adds. “But I worry about people like me who are starting to lose their words who may think they have just normal aging and it may not be.”
我觉得非常棒-我恢复了99%的记忆”,她说,“但是我担心像我一样的人开始忘词,他们会认为是年龄原因,然而不是。” |