TA的每日心情 | 2025-2-8 09:55 |
The movement to prevent babies from taking cold syrups continues.
转自http://www.dxy.cn/bbs/post/view? ... phubuYs46e3aEGSn-20 by davidbgb
The Food and Drug Administration recently reissued a health advisory that parents refrain from giving children under 2 years old cough and cold drugs because "potentially life-threatening side effects can occur."
The agency did so because parents are still medicating babies; 64% of parents with youngsters think cold remedies are somewhat safe for children under 2, says a Kaiser Family Foundation December survey.
The FDA's next step is to figure out what's best for kids 2 to 12. Investors can expect an announcement in the spring. What the agency will decide is anyone's guess, analysts say.
If its decision is ultimately based on what doctor groups urge, the FDA might have a greater financial impact on drug makers than it's had so far.
Companies with a stake include Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ - News), maker of Tylenol and PediaCare infant drops; Prestige Brands (NYSE BH - News), which makes the Little Remedies brand; Novartis (NYSE:NVS - News), maker of Triaminic; and Wyeth (NYSE:WYE - News), maker of Robitussin and Dimetapp.
受牵连的公司包括Tylenol(泰诺)和PediaCare婴儿滴剂的制造商强生公司,Little Remedies品牌的制造商Prestige Brands公司,Triaminic制造商诺华公司,Robitussin和Dimetapp制造商惠氏公司。
In October, companies voluntarily recalled all over-the-counter cold and cough syrups for children younger than 2. This followed a vote by the FDA's scientific advisers that the drugs don't work in small children and shouldn't be given anyone under age 6.
At Prestige, the recall's impact was most painful in its fiscal second quarter ended Sept. 30. The recall knocked 1% off net sales and helped depress earnings 22% to 14 cents a share. Organic growth was 1% vs. 2% absent the withdrawal.
"The damage has already been done," said Suntrust analyst William Chappell. "With Prestige, the hope was that the FDA would reverse its decision and let the products come back on the shelf, but that now looks unlikely."
“损失已经发生了,”Suntrust分析师William Chappell说,“Prestige公司的希望是FDA能撤销它的决定,让产品回到销售架上,但现在看来是不可能了。”
Focus On Packaging, Prevention
When asked about J&J and Wyeth, Raymond James analyst Michael Krensavage said it's hard to quantify the recalls' impact because the companies don't break out cough drug figures. At this point, the impact isn't significant for either company, he says.
当问到强生公司和惠氏公司时,Raymond James分析师Michael Krensavage说很难量化药品召回的影响,因为这两家公司并没有把咳嗽药的数据分开出来。他说,在这一点上讲这两家公司受到的影响都不大。
If the FDA decides against cough syrup for kids 2 to 12, Prestige won't suffer any more, Chappell says. Its cough syrups are only for kids up to 2-years-old, and both remedies have already been withdrawn.
"Wyeth or others (such as J&J) that make bigger drugs like Tylenol would be more impacted," said Chappell, who follows Prestige.
Every year, 7,000 kids are rushed to the emergency room after overdosing on cough and cold syrups, according to a late January study in the journal Pediatrics. They make up 6% of ER visits for the age group.
Two-thirds of the visits were among children 2 to 5. About 80% of the time, it was due to kids gulping down syrups when parents weren't around.
The study offers possible solutions for drug makers.
"We could prevent unsupervised ingestions and take a large bite out of ER visits with improved packaging," said Dr. Dan Budnitz, a study co-author.
“我们可以通过改善药品包装来预防未受监督的服药,从而大大减少急诊量”,共同执笔的Dan Budnitz博士说。
He suggests child-resistant single-dose packages, caps that require adults to insert a needleless syringe to extract medicine, and colorless syrups.
"Even if a child is persistent or creative, he'd only be able to swallow one dose before a parent finds him," said Budnitz, a medical officer at the Centers for Disease Control.
Could such innovations help drug makers recover lost profit? No, says Dr. Ian Paul, head of pediatric research at the Penn State College of Medicine.
这样的改进能否使制药商挽回损失?不能,Ian Paul博士说,他是宾夕法尼亚大学医学院的儿科研究所负责人。
"They're not an opportunity for drug makers because the drugs have not been shown to be effective for children," he said. "No matter how they're packaged, pediatricians are still not going to recommend them."
Indeed, honey is more effective than dextromethorphan, a cough syrup ingredient, according to another study published in the December issue of Pediatrics. Honey can't be used in children under 1, due to risk of infantile botulism.
"The study shows these medicines have large placebo effects, but true placebos don't have side effects. These medicines do," said Paul, lead author of the study.
Data against cough syrups are growing. The international Cochrane Collaboration led 25 studies of 3,492 adults and children, comparing expectorants, antihistamines-decongestants and antitussives to placebo.
"The evidence for effectiveness of oral over-the-counter cough medicines is weak," the authors wrote in late January.
Physicians have discouraged cough syrup use for a decade now. In 1997, the American Academy of Pediatricians said it didn't support the use of OTC cough and cold medicines in children.
In 2006, the American College of Chest Physicians said children younger than 15 shouldn't be given the syrups because they hadn't been proved effective.
Cooperation Needed
Linda Suydam, president of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, which represents leading U.S. makers of OTC cough syrups, declined to be interviewed.
Linda Suydam,消费者保健品协会会长,代表美国非处方咳嗽糖浆制造商,拒绝采访。
"These medicines are safe when used as directed," she said in a Jan. 28 statement.
Paul suggests working with drug makers. "It's more helpful to work together," he said. "A blanket pull off the market could have negative effects, such as people giving adult medicine to kids."
davidbgb edited on 2008-02-10 21:36 |