Welcome to the UCSF School of Pharmacy, Department of Clinical Pharmacy website. It is with great privilege that I serve as department chair.
We are an organization of people—clinical pharmacists, researchers, administrators, scholars and staff—all focused always on ensuring patients benefit from the safe and effective use of medicines to treat, prevent, and cure disease. To do this we care for patients, teach tomorrow’s pharmacists, mentor those who have already earned degrees, serve the public, and study questions that involve everything from how to eliminate medication errors in hospitals to the influence of industry on the outcome of research results.
We have worked diligently over the years to realize a vision that is now a reality—to transform the pharmacist from dispenser of medications to therapeutic expert who is an essential member of the health care team. As this transformation continues across the nation and around the world, our department is now determined to use the recognized therapeutic skills of today’s pharmacists to bridge gaps in patient care, especially for the underserved. We plan to lead the nation in making this new vision a reality. It is a big challenge, and we are already on the way to meet it.
Like all of our work, we never act alone or in isolation. The key to ultimately improving patient care and health is working with colleagues in the health professions, in industry and government, and constantly sharing our knowledge with scientists on one end of the spectrum to policy makers on the other. This kind of approach is essential if patients, including underserved patients, are to benefit directly and individually from our work.
I invite you to read about us on this website. You will learn that our faculty and students work throughout California. We administer the life-saving California Poison Control System for the entire state. The Center for Consumer Self Care, the San Francisco Division of the Cochrane Center, and the Program on International Affairs are vital departmental units. Important to UCSF and colleagues statewide are our Drug Research Unit and Drug Products Services Laboratory, and we are more, much more. I encourage you to explore our website links and get an idea of the depth and breadth of this department and its people. Please contact us if you would like to learn more.
B. Joseph Guglielmo, Pharm.D.
Professor and Chair
Thomas A. Oliver Chair in Clinical Pharmacy |