TA的每日心情 | 2020-7-30 14:47 |
Sleipnir v2.7.1 - 基于MSIE和Gecko双核心浏览器
Sleipnir是北欧神化中Odin神的坐骑,它是一匹八只脚的骏马,软件被命名为Sleipnir大抵是多窗口的原因。Sleipnir2是基于 MSIE和Gecko双核心的新一代集成化、个性化标签浏览器,它继承了Sleipnir的大部分功能。目前,它除了已具备各种 IE 基准浏览器的常用功能之外,更吸取了其它非 IE 核心浏览器的优秀特性,并加以改进和创新。软件赋予了用户丰富和灵活的定制权限,这甚至超出了初次使用者的想象。
可导入 IE/FireFox/Opera/Netscape/Lunascape/Sleipnir1.66 等多种常用浏览器的收藏夹和设置,非常实用。
顺应潮流的集成了 RSS 客户端工具,是用户可以更加便捷的获取信息。
在安装 Mozilla Active Control 后,Sleipnir2 还可以被改造成 Gecko 核心的浏览器。虽然目前在功能上还有所欠缺,不过稳定性还可以。
Sleipnir is designed to be a highly customizable browser that you can configure to suit your individual needs. With Sleipnir, you can create your ideal browser by changing the design, skin, and visual appearance. You can also add custom functionality to Sleipnir with a wide range of plugins and user scripts. Users love Seipnir for it's unique blend of high-performance and customizability!
Accent of Sleipnir
The ultimate in browser customization
Sleipnir is designed to be completely customizable, and be responsive to user expectations. Sleipnir is designed to maintain the same level of high performance no matter how much you customize it.
Record popularity in Japan
We have spent years optimizing and perfecting the performance and user interface of Sleipnir, and as a result, we have an overwhelming share of the browser market. Sleipnir - the browser with a history of quality and performance.
Fast Plug-ins and great performance
No matter what plug-ins you decide to use, Sleipnir is designed to maintain the same high level of performance and responsiveness. It has been developed especially for Windows with performance in mind.
Completely Customizable
You can change almost all functions as you want to. It sounds difficult to customize, but it is easy to understand operation intuitively. With Sleipnir, you can easily change and customize almost any aspect of the browser. Even beginners can have a customized web-browsing experience with minimal effort.
Make browsing easier with Tabs!
Users have come to expect their browser to support tabbed browsing, and Sleipnir has been designed from the ground up to provide the ultimate tabbed-browsing experience. With it's advanced Wondow-View and Thumbnail functionality, Sleipnir is a breeze to use no matter how many tabs you have open.
Perfect pages with the Industry-Standard Trident Engine
The vast majority of websites are designed for optimal viewing in Internet Explorer. Sleipnir uses the same Trident rendering engine as Internet
官方下载:http://download10.fenrir.co.jp/en/sleipnir271-en.exe |