TA的每日心情 | 2021-4-20 14:07 |
本次大会的主题是:中国初级保健体系的发展与高质量医疗服务的覆盖与保障 -“健康 2030 ”宏伟目标的基石。
The First International Conference on Primary Care Medicine and Health Promotion
The 4th Bo-Ai International Psychosomatic Symposium
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the first International Primary Care Medicine and Health Promotion Conference and the 4th Bo-Ai Psychosomatic International symposium will be held in Beijing from October 18th to 19th, 2019. This conference is organized by the Journal of China Continuing Medical Education and Bo-Ai Psychosomatic Medicine (Int’l) Exchange Association and supported by Orenda Psychosomatic Health Group, Henan Provincial People's Hospital and Texas Chinese Medical Association.
The purpose of this conference is to deepen the discussion of the development of China's primary health care system and the coverage of high-quality medical services - the cornerstone of the grand goal of "Healthy China 2030."
This conference has already attracted numerous world-renowned physicians and scholars from the United States and China. They come from some of the most prestigious institutions such as Harvard University Medical School, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, University of California San Francisco (UCSF,) and University of Alabama School of Medicine, Texas Hospital Association and Dallas International Health Care Services (DIHCS).
We are especially pleased to announce that three former presidents of the American College of Physician (ACP,) an organization which has 154,000 physicians in the US, and two editor-in-chief of the "Primary Care Medicine" textbook will deliver talks at the Conference. Domestic organizations include the General Practice Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the Beijing Community Health Services Management Center, the Beijing Community Health Association, the Henan and Jiangsu Provincial Medical Association General Practice Branch, and the Taiwan Chang Hua Hospital.
The Co-Chairs of the Forum are Professor Chunhua Chi, the Elected-President of the General Practice Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Professor Hao Wu of the Chinese Physician Association of General Practice Branch and Dr. Da Hsuan Feng, former vice president of the University of Texas at Dallas. All the speakers are renowned Chinese and US physicians and health care leaders. The topics will focus on some of the most timely and most critical challenges confronting primary care and healthcare management. Other critical issues such as the grading diagnosis and treatment systems establishment, affordable payment and insurance of primary care, set up PCP work force, instituting advanced clinical diagnosis, training of high-quality primary care physicians, healthcare management of community population, particularly geriatric and chronic diseases, etc, will also be explored.
Another aim of the Conference is to empower the participants. To this end, robust exchanges and discussions on prevention of diseases and health promotion will be conducted throughout the conference. We firmly believe that this conference can and will be an excellent venue for clinicians and healthcare professionals to engage in intense inter-exchange of ideas and experiences with domestic and foreign experts. Unquestionably, such interactions will generate the proper ambiance for all to explore and develop the blueprint to promote high quality primary care and healthy life style for the population...
We are pleased to announce that with the aim of this Conference, it has already captured vast interest of the Chinese health-care professionals and beyond. We anticipate that there will some 800 general practitioners, clinicians and health care professionals to attend the conference. We truly expect that there will be multi-pronged collaborations established between the Chinese health professionals and the international counterparts in primary health care system. These collaborations will share some of the latest advanced clinical developments and experiences, and sustainably working together to demonstrate to the world a universal health promotion model based on prevention can be accelerated after this conference. Generating such a collaborative movement will surely contribute and impact the aforementioned national goal.
Let us take the opportunity to warmly welcome all of you joining us in Beijing during the beautiful charming golden Autumn!
Conference Chairman: Dr.Hsuan Feng
Executive Chairman: Dr. Xinli David Shao
一、 大会主席
迟春花 中华医学会全科分会
吴浩 中国医师协会全科分会
冯达旋 美国德州大学达拉斯分校前副校长
二、 大会副主席
顾建钦 河南省人民医院
占伊扬 江苏省人民医院
王波 美国德州华人医学会
李岩 美国达美健康服务集团
魏海明 中国继续医学教育杂志社
三、 大会总顾问:
杜雪平 中国医师协会全科医师分会
顾湲 中国非公立医疗机构协会全科医疗分会
四、 大会执行主席
邵新立 达美国际健康服务集团
薛青 奥伦达心身健康集团
五、 大会秘书长
孔霞 北京大学第一医院
任箐箐 浙江医科大学第一附属医院
六、 大会学术委员会
主席:Jack Ende, Allen Goroll, 迟春花,吴浩
成员:迟春花 吴浩 顾湲 杜雪平 王晨 何仲 潘志刚 任菁菁 王晶桐
张向东 顾建钦 占伊扬 马丽平 王丹 潘志刚 王仲 杨钰雯
马力 齐德广 刘向阳 郭守仁 詹天民 林念游 薛青 梁正贤
孔霞 朱子斌 邵新立 李岩 王波 肖宏 贾勍 刘晶炜
Jack Ende, John Bundrick, Molly Cooke, Allen Goroll
Robert Centor, Dahsuan Feng, Rober Hendler,
会议时间:2019 年10 月18日8:30-17:00
2019 年10 月19日8:30-17:00
联系电话:186 0192 8002
时间 类型 注册费
9月30日前注册 参会代表 1000元/人
北京地区代表 800元/人
9月30日后注册 参会代表 1200元/人
北京地区代表 1000元/人
住宿:北京会议中心 大床房760元/间/夜 标间:660元/间/夜
账 号:0157280000000504
开 户 行:南京银行龙蟠路支行
地 址:南京市鼓楼区幕府东路52号
蒋先生: 138 0515 6897
沈女士: 185 5163 6140
孔 霞 13661097285
张继玲 18601928002
沈 娴 18551636140
孙孝洋 18651698608
蒋 超 13805156897
Email::2890387483@qq.com 654047459@qq.com
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