头孢唑啉(Cefazolin): 目前Pharm GKB数据库中还未收录与其相关基因。
头孢呋辛(Cefuroxime):目前Pharm GKB数据库中还未收录与其相关基因。
克林霉素(Clindamycin):目前Pharm GKB数据库中报道与克林霉素相关基因为HLA-B,但相关研究较少,属Level 3。
Patients with one or two copies of the HLA-B*51:01:01 allele may have an increased risk of cutaneous adverse drug reactions when treated with clindamycin as compared to patients with no HLA-B*51:01:01 alleles or negative for the HLA-B*51:01:01 test. (患有HLA-B*51:01:01等位基因的一个或两个拷贝的患者可能具有增加皮肤药物不良反应风险)
Patients with one or two copies of the HLA-B*15:27:01 allele may have an increased risk of cutaneous adverse drug reactions when treated with clindamycin as compared to patients with no HLA-B*15:27:01 alleles or negative for the HLA-B*15:27:01 test.(患有HLA-B*15:27:01等位基因的一个或两个拷贝的患者可能具有增加皮肤药物不良反应风险)
万古霉素(Vancomycin):目前Pharm GKB数据库中报道rs2789047突变影响万古霉素代谢,但相关研究较少,属Level 3。
Chromosome 6q22.31 locus was associated with increased serum creatinine levels while on vancomycin therapy (most significant variant rs2789047)
Patients with the AA genotype may have a greater likelihood of experiencing an increase in serum creatine kinase when exposed to vancomycin as compared with patients with the AC and CC genotypes. Other clinical and genetic factors may also affect serum creatine kinase in patients taking vancomycin.
Patients with the AG genotype may have a greater likelihood of experiencing an increase in serum creatine kinase when exposed to vancomycin as compared with patients with the CC genotype and a lower likelihood as compared to patients with the AA genotype. Other clinical and genetic factors may also affect serum creatine kinase in patients taking vancomycin.
Patients with the CC genotype may have a lower likelihood of experiencing an increase in serum creatine kinase when exposed to vancomycin as compared with patients with the AA genotypes. Other clinical and genetic factors may also affect serum creatine kinase in patients taking vancomycin.